Your Attention, Please

It has been brought to our attention that some people are confusing the need for medical knowledge in the Multiracial population. It seems that a regional organization announced that their organization is against a Multiracial category, especially when it comes to medicine.

The reason given was that race is not a “biological” construct but is a “social” construct. It’s a discussion that has been going on forever with no resolution.  The stand of Project RACE is that the answer to the biological/social construct doesn’t matter. What matters is that more Multiracial people are studied. It would help, not hurt, if we had a Multiracial identifier alone or one with Multiracial and write-ins for specific races.

We do know about bone marrow donation having to be a racial match. We do know about sickle cell anemia and other diseases affecting race and ethnicity. We will never know enough if more Multiracial people are not included in studies and clinical trials.

If you are involved in health decisions or clinical studies, please make certain that they involve Multiracial children or adults. It could be a matter of life and death. Remember that Project RACE is the national advocacy for the Multiracial community, and this is our stand. Thank you.