
Project RACE will officially cease operations on August 1, 2024.


After 27 years of study, the United States government decided to update its collection of racial and ethnic data. A “Multiracial” classification was not included. I also believe that the current policy decisions of the US government, the Census Bureau, OMB, The Supreme Court, and other groups are harmful and mean that a true Multiracial classification may never be recognized.

Therefore, Project RACE will officially cease operations on August 1, 2024.

Project RACE has been actively involved in supporting a Multiracial category for 34 years and has made great strides in data reporting for schools, businesses, the medical community, and private sector data collection. We have been responsible for advancing the popular usage of “Multiracial” even though the US government rejects its use currently. Thank you to all of those who have helped in the past and will continue the fight for the Multiracial community.

I have personally been the head of Project RACE for 34 years. It has been my honor to work with people of all races and ethnicities to fight for the rights of the Multiracial community. Thank you for your help throughout the years.

Susan Graham

Hi! I’m Kai, the Project RACE mascot, and I’m going to tell you all you need to know about how we help our community of Multiracial children and adults.
We have received Certificates of Special Recognition. It’s a big deal!

Please click here to see our presentation. Thank you!


All forms should ideally have a “Multiracial” box to check.
As an alternative, you may use the check all that apply format and put this wording in the instructions:
If you are Multiracial, you may select two or more races.


Project RACE never requires a membership fee. We are a non-profit, 501(c)(3), all volunteer organization supported by individual donations, contributions and grants. Donations are deductible, as provided by law. If you believe in our cause, please consider making a difference for Multiracial people.


Being a part of an established community conquering racial identity makes Multiracial people a part of a true movement. You can feel accepted and understood. You can pass our work on to your family and educate friends and the establishment. You can join us and do as much or as little as you please. Won’t you join us?


The Brock Family Story >

The Wooten Family Story >

The Bossick-Pich Family Story >

The Vasquez Family Story >

The Ewing Family Story >

The Rempel Family Story >

The Malaga Family Story >

Susan’s Story >

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July 15th, 2024|

WHAT ABOUT US? After 27 years of study, the United States government decided to update its collection of racial and ethnic data. A “Multiracial” classification was not included. I also believe that the current policy decisions of the US government, the Census Bureau, OMB, The Supreme Court, and other groups are harmful and mean that a true Multiracial classification may never be recognized. Therefore, Project RACE will officially cease operations on August 1, 2024. Project RACE has been actively involved in supporting a Multiracial category for 34 years and has [...]

July 12th, 2024|

U.S. Census Bureau Seeking Public Comment on Implementing SPD 15 Updates in the ACS  From MBX OMB Statistical_Directives on 2024-07-12 17:08 Details Headers Plain text Earlier today the U.S. Census Bureau published a Federal Register Notice (FRN) seeking feedback from the public on the timeline to implement the Office of Management and Budget's updated Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 for Federal race and ethnicity data on the American Community Survey (ACS). The information gathered through this FRN will be taken into consideration as the U.S. Census Bureau continues to evaluate the practicability of implementing the updated race and ethnicity data [...]


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