Baby Sussex is the son of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and he will make history as the first biracial royal who will be in line to the British throne. He will be seventh in line for succession.

We don’t know a great deal about the royal birth because details have been closely guarded, which has not stopped the British tabloids from wild speculation. “The Duke and Duchess look forward to sharing the exciting news with everyone once they have had an opportunity to celebrate privately as a new family,” Buckingham Palace said in a statement.

The baby will have American citizenship upon birth because the mother is American, but she could hold dual citizenship in the UK. Meghan remains a U. S. citizen while waiting for her British citizenship to be approved.

Baby Sussex will be at home at Frogmore Cottage on the grounds of Frogmore House. Harry and Meghan officially moved there earlier this month. It has been a royal residence since 1792 and was built in about 1680 by Charles II’s architect, according to BBC News.

Susan Graham, president and founder of Project RACE says, “Every biracial baby is cause for joy, but the birth of Baby Sussex is especially exciting historically.” In a totally self-promoting move, Graham will send the royal couple a copy of her new book Born Biracial.

Order Born Biracial to celebrate your prince or princess at Amazon or Barnes and Nobel.