Hi! And welcome back to “Day In a Life of a Biracial Teen” I am Ella Garrison and I will be sharing my story about my biracial hair journey! 

Growing up as a biracial girl I had several obstacles, specifically with my hair. It has been a long journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. Growing up in a white community where most people had thinner and straighter hair than I did, it was difficult for me to have the patience to deal with mine on a day to day basis especially when no one understood what I was going through as each person in my family has a different hair type.  

From a young age, I was aware of the unique blend of cultures that had made me who I am. My parents instilled in me a deep appreciation for both sides of my heritage, teaching me to celebrate the richness of diversity. However, as I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat insecure  whenever my eyes landed on my thick curls. Don’t get me wrong – I adore my hair, but it is frustrating when I am running out the door. I have a thousand things to do and my hair still isn’t styled. Sometimes I think my hair seemed to have a life of its own, defying every attempt, product and even breaking several hair brushes. So, what did I do? I went to some of my favorite biracial besties for help.

My journey to embrace my curls was not an easy one. I spent countless hours experimenting with various products and techniques, hoping to find the elusive solution to my hair woes. Each failure brought with it a wave of frustration and self-doubt, but I refused to give up. With each setback, I discovered a newfound resilience within myself—a determination to conquer the obstacles in my path.

After several years of trial and error, I finally found the key to unlocking the beauty of my curls: self-love. Instead of viewing my hair as a flaw to be corrected, I began to see it as a reflection of my identity. With this new perspective, I embraced my curls with a confident glow as I was no longer afraid to let them shine in their natural state. 

Over time, I grew stronger and more comfortable with myself no longer deriving to be like everyone else and seeing myself for exactly what I was created to be. I learned to appreciate what makes me special, and to stop comparing myself to others. My curls became a part of that self-acceptance, a symbol of my individuality and the combination of my Jamaican and Italian Heritage.

By: Ella Garrison Project RACE Teens