Lewis Capaldi

Lewis Capaldi

It’s Famous Friday. This week’s focus is on musical artist Lewis Capaldi. Lewis Marc Capaldi was born in Glasgow, Scotland on October 7th, 1996. Capaldi is of Scottish, Italian, and British descent. His mother Carol, is a nurse while his father Mark, is a fishmonger. Growing up as the youngest of four siblings, Capaldi began learning to play the guitar and drums at the age of two. His singing career began seven years later when he started singing in restaurants and pubs near his home in Bathgate, which is where he lives today.

As many young artists do, Lewis began uploading his music onto SoundCloud when he was a teenager. SoundCloud is an online music platform and is recognized as the, “largest community of artists, bands, podcaster, and creators of music.” After recording a video of himself singing, Capaldi was discovered by manager Ryan Walter. Shortly after, in March of 2017, Capaldi released his first song, “Bruises.” His career took off from there, with the song acquiring over 28 million plays on Spotify alone, making him the fastest unsigned artist to reach 25 million plays in Spotify history. Not long after, Capaldi signed with Universal Music Group and his music is now distributed by Virgin EMI Records as well as Capitol Records.

Capaldi’s fame has since continued to grow. By 2018 he was named Vevo’s “Artist to Watch.” In the same year, he also joined renowned singer-songwriter Sam Smith on his, “The Thrill of It All” tour. Capaldi then proceeded to release two albums, titled “Breach” and “Divinely Uninspired To a Hellish Extent,” for which he received massive recognition. Capaldi’s track, “Someone You Loved” made him BBC Teens Award’s “Best British Singer” in 2019. Most recently, the same song landed him a Grammy nomination for “Song of the Year.”

Matheson Bossick

Project Race Teens Vice President


  1. https://www.theguardian.com/music/2020/feb/18/brit-awards-2020-lewis-capaldi-winners-dave-stormzy-tyler
  2. https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&sxsrf=ALeKk03N-V42KFwFxBxs685H8Pr1me7C6A%3A1584654715260&source=hp&ei=e-lzXryoDduxtQbkrqDgAw&q=lewis+capaldi+albums&oq=lewis+capaldi+albums&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i20i263j0j0i22i30l8.1250.8359..8983…1.0..0.280.3119.2j7j8……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i131j35i39j0i67j0i20i263i70i251.hTvGgGqx1Vo&ved=0ahUKEwj80ZHrwqfoAhXbWM0KHWQXCDwQ4dUDCAg&uact=5
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-8025709/Inside-Lewis-Capaldis-parents-home-singer-lives-despite-making-millions.html
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Capaldi

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