Project RACE never requires a membership fee. We believe that all people, regardless of location or ability to pay, should be able to be a part of our advocacy. We are a non-profit, 501(c) (3) all-volunteer organization supported by individual donations, contributions and grants. Donations are deductible, as provided by law. If you believe in our cause, please consider making a difference for multiracial people. We are committed to keeping our administrative costs to a minimum and welcome all contributions in any amount. Scroll down to see how your donations are used.

Your donation to Project RACE will be used for:

  • Educational programs for children
  • Accounting, legal and other professional fees
  • Holding bone marrow donor drives
  • Ongoing work with the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Umbilical cord blood banking awareness
  • Mandatory state business fees
  • Website hosting costs
  • Marketing and public relations
  • General office supplies and postage
  • Printing and associated promotion costs
  • General operating expenses

Thank you for your invaluable support. For further donation information please go to


The Project RACE Team and Supporters