
It’s Famous Friday!

2020-01-25T08:49:51+00:00January 25th, 2020|

  It is Friday once again, and today we will be highlighting the (former) interracial couple Sammy Davis Jr. and May Britt!  Sammy Davis Jr. was taking a huge risk in marrying May Britt.  It wasn’t until the Supreme court case of Loving vs. Virginia in 1967, that interracial marriages would become legal all throughout the United States.  Sammy Davis Jr. was African-American and Cuban, and May Britt is Swedish. This couple’s marriage was definitely outside the norm for the time period.  The union of Sammy and May certainly contributed [...]

Informational Friday

2020-01-24T11:32:44+00:00January 24th, 2020|

When “Mixed” Isn’t Enough GETTY Why We Need Better Terms For People Who Identify As Two Or More Races by Nicole Holliday  When I was a kid, I always just assumed that everyone in the world called people like me “mixed,” because in the 1990s in central Ohio, where I grew up, mixed almost always referred to folks like me, who had one black parent and one white parent. The community I grew up in had very few people who identified as anything other than black or white, so I just thought that mixed meant [...]

Census Bureau Reduces Multiracial Population

2020-01-21T06:30:43+00:00January 21st, 2020|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 21, 2020 Susan Graham Project RACE Email:   CENSUS BUREAU REDUCES MULTIRACIAL POPULATION San Joaquin Valley, CA -The United States Census Bureau has chosen to exclude the multiracial group from the 2020 Census by giving false instructions to biracial people who call or email the bureau for direction on how to fill out their census forms. They also have excluded the group from all marketing and advertising material, unlike they have done for every other racial and ethnic group. If a multiracial person does not [...]

It’s Famous Friday!

2020-01-10T12:28:39+00:00January 10th, 2020|

  Happy Friday Everyone. This week we are taking a look inside the life of teen actress and musical artist, Isabela Moner. Isabela was born in Cleveland, Ohio to Katherine Moner (Peruvian) and Patrick Moner (Caucasian). Isabela’s main language is Spanish, but she also speaks English. Additionally, she claims to have learned some Peruvian for her role in Dora and the Lost City of Gold.   Isabela says that performing has been a passion of hers from a young age, starting community theatre at only six. Her first major Broadway [...]

It’s Famous Friday!

2020-01-02T18:28:19+00:00January 2nd, 2020|

Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback Happy new year!  As we celebrate the dawn of a new decade, our country eagerly and anxiously looks toward another presidential election year.  Since the time of Reconstruction, people of color have impacted our country’s legislation on a state and federal level.  This Famous Friday feature focuses on one early influencer by the name of Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback, or P.B.S. Pinchback as most commonly seen in historical references. Pinchback was born in Macon, Georgia, in 1837, to William Pinchback a white planter, and Eliza Stewart, [...]

What Nelson Mandela Fought For

2019-12-13T09:16:07+00:00December 13th, 2019|

World of Weddings: Marriage of mixed-race couple in South Africa is "exactly what Nelson Mandela fought for" In our weeklong series World of Weddings, we sent a team of correspondents around the globe to witness unique ceremonies and understand what marriage means in different cultures. In our third report, we take you to South Africa, where as recently as the 1980s mixed-race marriages were illegal under apartheid. Two worlds collided as the Maselas and the Daltons came together in Pretoria, South Africa, for the marriage of their children Mante and [...]

Famous Friday Sneak Peek!

2019-12-05T10:08:20+00:00December 5th, 2019|

Famous Friday: Nandi Hildebrand Happy Friday everybody. For this week’s Famous Friday, we are excited to share about teen actress, Nandi Hildebrand. We at Project RACE are proud to be partnering with Count the Nation, an initiative of USC Annenberg aiming to ensure that everyone across America knows how much census participation benefits their community. It is through this exciting and important partnership that we came to know Nandi who stars in Count the Nation’s awesome new census video ( Nandi, whose father is Caucasian while her mother is African (Zulu), [...]

Did you forget something?

2019-12-03T09:16:13+00:00December 3rd, 2019|

  You’re a busy person. Taking care of business, family, relationships, and everything else you have to accomplish is overwhelming. Sometimes we forget things. Did you forget that today is Giving Tuesday? It’s a day to give to non-profit organizations so we can run more efficiently and represent you and your families. Project RACE is the national organization responsible for making life easier for interracial families and multiracial individuals. We deal with Washington and communicate with every state in many different ways. We are not just a local group representing [...]

Multiracial in 2060

2019-11-29T10:01:20+00:00November 29th, 2019|

Research finds that members of the multiracial group are more likely to be miscategorized than members of any other racial group. Compared to categorizing people into a single-race category, categorizing someone as multiracial is more mentally cumbersome, takes longer and is less likely to occur.   By Marisa Franco – What Racial Discrimination Will Look Like in 2060 in Scientific American

Thank you!

2019-11-28T11:29:48+00:00November 28th, 2019|

We are thankful… To those of you who chose to donate to Project RACE! Our sincere gratitude for helping us continue our work. Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for your invaluable support. For further donation information please go to The Project RACE Team and Supporters

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